
Depending on your history and clinical examination the doctor will likely arrange for several investigations (tests).  This will may include:

Blood Tests

A blood test involves taking a blood sample to measure or examine cells, moleclues or substances in the blood. It is likely that this will include full blood count, liver enzyme profile, kidney function and serum electrolytes. There are also several different tumour markers that can be measured including carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA-19.9 and alpha-feto protein (AFP).

Urine & Stool Analysis

Laboratory analysis of urine and stool samples may be required to look for infection, metabolites or help quantitate organ function.


Radiological imaging uses ionizing radiation, magnetic fields or sound waves to create pictures of the body. Depending on the indication and patient factors it will include computered tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound (US) or x-ray

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Liver Biopsy

A liver biopsy involves taking a small sample of tissue from your liver. The sample is then looked at under a microscope or sent for further analysis to diagnose or monitor conditions. The biopsy may be of a lesion (mass) in the liver to help determine the nature of the lesion.

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Outcome of investigation of liver lesion

Once you have had the necessary investigations the doctor will discuss the findings with you to ensure you are aware of the results.  Depending upon the results you will either require further surveillance (follow-up), reassurance or treatment.  Treatment may require surgery, medication, radiation treatment or chemotherapy.